Saturday, January 16, 2010


A lot of you have asked me to invite you to my story, Savannah. It's not that I didn't want anyone to read it, it's just that I had some trolls come on and pretty much degrade my story saying things like I was delusional and I lived in a fantasy world as well as demeaning my writing style. I made my blog private and deleted their comments, hoping that they would just go away, and it worked. A day or two after I pretty much shut down my story, I noticed in my little update scroller that the author of Against All Odds - A Sidney Crosby Story, and, Love Lost and Found, about Kris Letang, had made a post regarding to a KJ person who was trolling on her Kris blog. This was the same person making rude and inappropriate comments on my story about Kris, Savannah. She too made her blog private until just recently.

I've come to the conclusion that this person, KJ, and her friend Julie, who was also being a bitch, are just ridiculously obsessed fans and feel the need to protect Kris, a guy they don't even know, from something that doesn't even affect him. In conslusion, they're probably lonely old ladies who have 63 cats, eat prunes all day and smell like denture cream.

Anyway, the point is, I've made Savannah public again, so enjoy. And if they comment on my blog again, I'll turn their comments into posts and let the whole blogging community see how pathetic they are, and let all of my beloved readers bitch them out. :)


  1. awhh YAY! I loved savannah i was so sad when you took the break..but just ingore her.:]] i wish you could block people!!

  2. Ugh I did the same things with one of the stories I just started... I hate that we have to wonder now whether or not someone's gonna have a problem with what we say... lame.

    If you don't like it, don't read it!

    Keep writing Jenna... love it!

  3. hahaha i can't WAIT to see those comments into blog posts.
    let the bitching out BEGIN!
    anyways, your story will pretty much be amazing, so keep writing. eff them!
